Streamlining Your Permitting Processes With Cloud-Based Software

The Benefits of Cloud-Based Permitting Software


Looking for an easier way to keep your permitting processes running smoothly? We get it – permitting can be a real headache with all the forms, fees, paperwork and red tape involved. But what if there was a simple cloud-based software solution that could help streamline everything, saving you major time and hassle? In this article, we’ll walk you through how cloud permitting software can completely transform your workflows, allowing you to manage permits, track applications, collect payments and share documents online – all from one centralized platform. With the right tools, you can ditch the old inefficient paper chase and make permitting almost (dare we say) enjoyable. Read on to learn how modern cloud software can help you tame the permitting beast once and for all!

Key Features to Look for in Cloud Permitting Solutions


Cloud-based permitting software can save your city or municipality time and money while improving transparency and customer service. Here are some of the key advantages:


– Accessibility – With cloud software, permitting staff can access the system from anywhere at any time, allowing for remote work and improved flexibility. No more being chained to on-premise servers!


– Efficiency – Automated workflows and reminders keep applications moving through the pipeline. Managers have insight into bottlenecks too. Less paper pushing means faster approvals.


– Cost Savings – No expensive servers or IT infrastructure to maintain. Pay only for what you use. Scales up or down as your needs change.


– Collaboration – All stakeholders can securely access the platform. Applicants can submit and track applications online. Departments can easily share information.


– Reporting – Gain data-driven insights into permitting activity with custom reports and analytics. Identify opportunities for improvement.


– Customer Service – Applicants enjoy full transparency into status. Email notifications keep everyone in the loop. Public portals provide 24/7 access. 


By going digital with permitting, you can approve projects faster while cutting costs. And isn’t better service for developers and citizens an added bonus? It’s a win all around.


Implementing a Cloud-Based Permitting System: Best Practices


When evaluating cloud-based permitting platforms, keep an eye out for these top capabilities:


– Automated workflow – The system should guide applicants through all required steps and forms. Automated notifications and reminders will keep projects moving.


– Configurable forms and templates – The solution should provide standard permit application templates that are editable and customizable for your specific needs. 


– Integration with other systems – Seamless integration with payment portals, document management systems, GIS, and other municipal software maximizes efficiency. 


– Mobility – Permitting staff, inspectors, and contractors need access from any device, with offline mode for areas with poor connectivity.


– Reporting and analytics – Robust reporting provides insights into bottlenecks, turnaround times, and opportunities to improve processes.


– Public portal – Applicants can submit applications, pay fees, check status, and get updates online 24/7.


– Security compliance – The vendor must meet all regulations for data protection, privacy, and records management. Cloud hosting provides enterprise-grade security.


By selecting a flexible, user-friendly cloud platform with robust capabilities, you can modernize permitting operations to better serve contractors and residents. The right solution empowers staff and saves time for all involved.