5 Tips For Developing a Website For a Plastic Surgeon

In order to showcase your plastic surgery business, you want to make sure you have a website that can compliment everything. Website building can be difficult as it is and it can be even more difficult to make sure you have things included that the patients are going to care about. With that being the case, here are some tips for developing a website to show that you are one of the best plastic surgeon Tampa.

1. Clean and Professional

One of the most important things about a website for this industry is that it’s professional and clean. The main reason this needs to happen is because a messy and unorganized website could lead to future patients believing that your practice is the same. Most people don’t want to trust going under the knife if they aren’t completely sure that their surgeon is going to do a good job. You’re much more likely to get future patients if your website shows how serious you are about your work.

2. Include Testimonials

Another thing to include on your website are real testimonials. Not only will this let future patients read stories from real past patients, but it will also give them a piece of mind that they can trust you and their surgery will go with little to no issues. While you shouldn’t purposely hide bad testimonials, you really shouldn’t have your testimonial page filled with them. With that said, though, you could always just add a few or add some kind of disclaimer. This can protect you in the long run, but it’s completely up to you on what you want to do.

3. Before and After Photos

An important thing to make sure you include in your website are before and after photos. This is one of the biggest things people are going to look for because they want to see what kind of results they might expect. Depending on what surgeries you specialize in, you want to have a few photos in each category. If you have photos of surgeries that are more adult oriented, like breast augmentation, make sure you add a disclaimer. Finally, don’t post any photos unless you have written consent from the patient. This will save a lot of trouble in the long run!

4. Easy Navigation

It’s also extremely important that your website has easy navigation. The last thing people want is a website that they can’t find anything or figure out how to use. Make sure everything is labelled and there are links that can easily take them to other pages. Having easy navigation should be one of the top priorities when making your website.

5. About Us Page

Finally, you want to make sure you have an about us page. Not only do you want to introduce the surgeons at your practice, but you might also want to introduce other staff members, such as the nurses. This will help people feel like they know you before meeting you and they’ll probably end up being a lot more comfortable. Make sure you include important information, like schooling and years of practice, as well as fun facts that can make the patient feel closer to you!

Using these things will make your website really pop and you’ll be showing that you’re serious about your business. If you still aren’t sure how you want your website to look, you can take a peak at other plastic surgery websites, like the one for Farrior Facial Plastic Surgery. It might take a little while, but it’s important to make your website complete and very professional